Loving yourself

1. Acceptance

Learning to accept certain aspects of your life that you are not content with, is the hardest part. You feel as though if things dont live up to your expectations, then they are not worth the time. WRONG!!! When you learn to ACCEPT that not everything is going to go your way, then you learn to live life with gratitude for what you do have

2. Guidance

Loving yourself has a lot to do with who you surround yourself with, a.k.a. who you allow to be a guide influence on your life.
What does a great guidance counselor look like?
-Always sees the best within you
-Allows you to have your moment(s)
-Teaches you the good from the bad
-Loves you NO matter what

3. Expressing Yourself

If you do not express your feelings and points of views, then you are missing a key aspect in loving your true self. YOU need to let YOURSELF know that YOUR feelings are valid and deserve to be heard. If everyone else is entitles to having their voice heard, then why dont you?

How To Express Yourself:
* Approach the topic calm and peacefully

*Do not try to force your opinions or beliefs onto anyone else, but also reassure them that you too are allowed to have your own point of view as well

*Put passion into all that you do and say, then everything else will fall into place naturally

*Know that not everything you say will be true, and that there will be people who will try to correct you (dont be discouraged) they have personal problems with expressing themselves so they try to correct anyone else who is ever wrong

4. Knowing Your Worth

This key point is a litte more difficult than the previous ones, but it also is one of the most important.
How to Know Your Worth
If you ever feel as though someone is not providing the type of love you crave and desire, then you are most likely not lively up to your true worth/value. When you are content with the way others are treatng you, and how you are treating others then you know your worth.

5. Loving others

I know this is a confussing key point, but it is very esstential to loving yourself. When you learn to love others, you recieve a love within yourself that you can not get anywhere else. When you love others, you are giving back to the Universe and all that The Creator has done for you.


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