How to be confident

Having confidence is by far the easiest and hardest thing to do. In a world full of hateful and rude people, it can be difficult to keep the smile on your face, and the good thoughts in your head. Your self esteem can drop in 5 seconds, but can take weeks, months, even years to bring back up. With all that being said, here are some things to remember on your road to confidence.

Good Hygiene ❤️
Taking care of yourself is so simple, yet so many people don't! Take showers often, brush your teeth & hair, wash your face, etc. Doing small things like this can help with self-image. Your self esteem & other people will thank you.

Eating Healthy ❤️
This may sound obnoxious, but eating healthy can help you gain self esteem. Knowing that you are putting good things into your body can empower you, and help you with body image. Eating nutritious foods have also been scientifically proven to boost moods.

Exercise ❤️
This category goes hand in hand with eating healthy. Working out can make you feel better about yourself, and has great health benefits all around.

Thinking Positive ❤️
When you think negative, you are only bringing yourself down. By thinking positive, you realize how many things you CAN do, rather than what you can't do. When you tell yourself that you will get through something, you're already half way through it.

Be Kind ❤️
This is super cliché, but it works! Doing good things for others is a great way to become confident! When you're generous, you think higher of yourself, therefore, your self-image improves.

Good Posture ❤️
Stand tall! I have terrible posture, but when I remind myself to have good posture, my confidence is boosted. By standing tall, I feel better about myself.

Smile ❤️
Smiling easily makes you more attractive, and can even brighten your mood. Moods can be key to confidence. Smile bright, and feel great!

Organize ❤️
When things get messy, you can get frustrated. Things get lost, and the clutter can bring stress. Organizing your stuff will remove some of your frustration & stress, calm you down, and bring confidence. You have a clean room, and a clear mind.

aesthetic, interior, and clean image
With all of these tips, I hope you find better self esteem. Here's to self worth!


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